What do you need to do if...

Three practical tips

  • What do I need to pay attention to if I have bought a house?
  • I want to buy a bicycle or take extra leave via FlexDirect of TNO. Will this affect my pension?
  • Pension accrual has been reduced as of 2021. What can I do?

What do I need to pay attention to if I have bought a house?

When buying a house, many people also take out life insurance and disability insurance together with their mortgage. The pension scheme of TNO Pension Fund provides for a work disability pension and a dependants pension. You should check whether you have duplicate insurance. Read the terms and conditions of those insurances and the scheme of TNO Pension Fund.

I want to buy a bicycle or take extra leave via FlexDirect of TNO. Will this affect my pension?

At TNO you receive a flex budget in addition to your salary. You can use this for the purchase of a bicycle, extra leave, or a higher travel allowance, etc. This has no consequences for your pension accrual. The flex budget of TNO is not pensionable. This means that it is not included in the calculation of pensionable income. If you work for another employer affiliated with TNO Pension Fund, however, a comparable salary component may be pensionable.

Pension accrual has been reduced from 2021. What can I do?

Unfortunately, the pension scheme has been slightly scaled back from 2021 onwards. Because of this change there is additional tax scope for the voluntary supplementary pension scheme 'Extra Pension'. This may be of interest to you. There are also other options for supplementing your pension. Read more about it in the newsletter about the changes and check out this article in the previous Life & Pension in the webinar that explains step-by-step what has changed and why.

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