Suzanne van Kooten, Chair of the Board of TNO Pension Fund

Preparing for the future

In my podcast, I’m delighted to tell you how TNO Pension Fund performed over the past year. How we are doing right now and how are we are preparing for the future.

Listen to the podcast (Dutch) or read the story.

And what does the Supervisory Board think?

This is an important question, because the Supervisory Board is responsible for internal supervision of the TNO Pension Fund. Every year, in a separate section of the annual report, the Supervisory Board reports on how they think the Board has performed over the past year.

The Supervisory Board’s report focuses on the most important topics, which have been discussed intensively. The most important of these are how the Board acted regarding the financial consequences of the Covid developments, preparations for the transition to the new pension system, the focus on ESG objectives, the focus on inflation developments, and how the Board dealt with the recommendations from the previous annual report. The report shows that the Supervisory Board is positive about how the Board handled these topics.

Would you like to know more? You can read the Supervisory Board’s opinion of the annual report on page 90.

2021 in themes